Book Detail - Click on any photo to enlarge.
Contributions to the Natural History of the United States
Volumes 1 and 2 of a four volume Set.
[000003x] Agassiz, Louis. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. Volumes 1 and 2 of a four volume Set. 1857. Hard Cover. First Monograph in Three Parts. Volume 1; parts I and II. I. Essay on Classification.-II. North American Testudinata. Contains list of subscribers to this publication. 452pp. Volume II., part III. Embryology of the Turtle. Pp. 451-643 with 34 plates. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Mass. Beautifully bound in burgundy half leather with black morocco boards; spine with six raised bands; gold lettering on spine and front covers. Excellent condition. Exceptional set of the two "Turtle Volumes" of Agassiz's classic work. Very clean with no marks and very little foxing throughout to text and plates. Embryology and baby turtle illustrations are remarkably nice. Interesting list of subscribers including John E. Holbrook, Charleston, South Carolina. Very rare, especially in this condition. publications. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Bulletin of the Antivenine Institute of America 3 Volumes
[000091] Antivenine Institute of America. Bulletin of the Antivenine Institute of America 3 Volumes. Nice ! Mulford Biological Laboratories, Glenolden, Pennsylvania, 1927-1932. Volumes 1-5, complete, original issues. Antivenine Institute of America, . Five volumes and 19 numbers hardbound in three books. The first two (volumes 1-2, volumes 3-4) are older half leather with marbled boards and gold lettering and bands on the spines. The third book is volume 5 in three issues bound in newer cloth of a similar color and spine lettering. All issues without front covers. Leather-bound volumes are in good but used condition with some wear. Signature of former owner (L. D. Brongersma) on front end page on volume one and his book plate appears on both older bound volumes. An exceptionally important and interesting, short-lived journal in bound original copies. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD !
The Turtles of New England
[000015] Babcock, H. L. The Turtles of New England.. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1919. Hard Cover. Volume 8, Number 3. Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass. Pp. 327-431 with 16 plates. Beautifully bound in three-quarter leather with marbled boards and end pages. Spine with five raised bands and two black leather labels with gold lettering. Former owner's stamp (Kraig Adler). Contents excellent with mostly clean text and plates. The very rare original of a beautifully illustrated volume on turtles of the northeastern United States. Contains probably the most beautiful illustration of Clemmys muhlenbergii published to date..Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Compilation of herpetology reports from various U.S. Government Railroad and Boundary Surveys
[000018] Baird, S. F., E. Hallowell, and J. G. Cooper. Compilation of herpetology reports from various U.S. Government Railroad and Boundary Surveys. 1859. Hard Cover. Specific titles include: "Reptiles" (Baird, R.R. Survey), iv, pp. 13-16 with 13 plates; "Report on reptiles collected on the survey" (Baird, R.R. Survey), pp. 17-20, four plates; "Report upon the reptiles of the route" (Baird, R.R. Survey), pp. 37-46, three plates; "Report upon reptiles collected on the survey" (Hallowell, R.R. Survey), pp. 23-24, one plate; "Report upon reptiles collected on the survey" (Hallowell, R.R. Survey), pp. 1-28, nine plates; "Report on reptiles collected on the survey" (Baird, R.R. Survey), ii, pp. 9-14, four plates; "Report upon the reptiles collected on the survey" (Cooper, R.R. Survey), pp. 292-306, 11 plates, and; "Reptiles of the Boundary" (Baird, Boundary Survey), pp. 1-36 with 41 plates. Nicely hardbound in half morocco leather and red cloth, with four raised bands and gold lettering on the spine. Foxing on plates is light to moderate and is typical for these surveys due to the acidic paper used. Some titles include the Latin names of species neatly penciled in at the bottom of plates. Containing a total of 105pp. and 86 plates, this is a very good collection of many of the herpetology portions of the Railroad and Boundary surveys. The Boundary Survey is especially scarce, but a complete collection of either is very difficult to obtain. This copy from the Adrian Crane Library, see the Crane catalouge for more information. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $700.00
Antillean Terrapins
[000029] Barbour, T., and A. F. Carr, Jr.. Antillean Terrapins.. Nice! Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., 1940. Hard Cover. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Vol. LIV, No. 5. . Pp. 381-415 with nine beautiful color plates. Very nicely hardbound, without original covers. Mint. Scarce volume.Nice! Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, The Cherokee Country, The Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws
[000036] Bartram, W.. Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, The Cherokee Country, The Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws. 1792. Hard Cover. Second printing for James and Johnson (Philadelphia) in St. Paul's Church-yard, London. First English edition. 520pp. plus fold-out map, index, and seven plates (two of softshell turtle). The classic Travels" volume by William Bartram in the original first English edition. This copy is exceptionally nice with older half calf, spine with five raised bands. Red leather patches on spine with gold lettering. Contents excellent for age with very little foxing. Page edges browned. Original owner's signature. Overall an excellent copy of an extremely rare book. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $1,500.00
Les Tortues De L'Indochine.
[000681] Bourret, Rene Leon. Les Tortues De L'Indochine. Avec Une Note Sur La Peche Et LElevage Des Tortues De Mer Par F. Le Poulain.. 1941. Hard Cover. 235 pp, Original edition,. 48 black & white plates, 6 in color, 11 figs. Original hardbound, 5 bands, marbled endpapers. Extreemly rare for more recent publication. 11 figs., Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Les Batraciens de L'Indochine.
000071] Bourret, R.. Les Batraciens de L'Indochine.. Gouvernement General de l'Indochine, Hanoi, 1942. Hard Cover. Memoires de l'Institut Oceanographique de l'Indochine, 6e Memoire. . 517 pp. with four color plates. Many illustrations throughout. Beautifully hardbound with black half leather and red boards. Five raised bands on spine, gold lettering on spine and front board. Original covers bound in, with some spotting and staining. Text and plates in excellent condition. Former owner's bookplate (G. M. Durrell). An extremely rare volume. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Mission Scientifique - Amphibians
[000079] Brocchi, P. L. A.. Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amerique Centrale, ouvrage Public par ordre du Ministre de l'Instruction Publique. Recherches Zoolgiques. Troisieme Partie. 1882. Hard Cover. (1881-1883). . 2nd Section. Ttkude des Batraciens de l'Amerique Centrale. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, (iv), 122pp., 24 plates (19 in color). Quarto, new half leather morocco binding with marbled boards; spine with five raised bands; gilt tooling with lettering on two black leather labels. Light mostly marginal waterstain on upper margins of pages and plates, but otherwise an outstanding, clean copy of this extremely rare volume. Initially the accounts of batrachians from the Mission Scientifique were meant to be incorporated into the Reptiles volumes. Due to the death of Dumeril in 1870 and the fact that Bocourt was too busy completing the Reptiles volumes, Brocchi was given the task of writing the Batrachians volumes. Bocourt assisted by giving Brocchi all of his notes and color models for the batrachians. The Batrachian volume was given its own pagination and published as Section two of part Three of the Mission Scientifique. Eighteen of the 24 plates are chromolithographs, Mostly drawn by Gustave Arnoul. Five of the remaining six are lithographs, and one stippled engraving by Milne-Edwards is also included. This copy came from the Adrian Crane libray, see the Crane catalogue for more details. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. - very RARE - Nice copy SOLD!
Histoire Naturelle
[000162] Daudin, F. M.. Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere des Reptiles. Ouvrage faisant suite a l'Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere, composee par Leclerc de Buffon et redigee par C. S. Sonnini. Hard Cover. An X-XI (1801-1803). . Paris, Dufart. 8 volumes, pp. 384, 432, 452, 397, 365, 447, 436, 439, with 100 engraved (Black & White) plates and two folded tables. Volumes are beautifully bound in burgundy three-quarter leather with marbled boards. Spine with four raised bands and gold lettering. Pages trimmed. It would be difficult to find another set of these volumes in this condition. This is a nearly immaculate set with no markings and virtually no foxing to the text or plates. Most volumes appear to have never been opened. An extremely rare set. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $1,900.00
Zoology of New York, or The New York Fauna
[000174] De Kay, James Ellsworth.. Zoology of New York, or The New York Fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the state of New York, with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appropriate Illustration. 1842. Hard Cover. Part III. Reptiles and Amphibia. Part IV. Fishes. Thurlow Weed, Albany, [2] viii, 98 p.; xvi, 415p.; 23 plates of Reptiles and Amphibians, 79 plates of Fish, bound in two volumes. Colored edition in contemporary green half leather, five raised bands, with gilt tooling and red label for the titling in the second compartment. This copy is very good with little foxing (primarily limited to the title pages) and with bright text pages and plates. Sabin mentioned that only a few copies were issued with the plates colored by hand, and that "it is hardly necessary to add that they are greatly superior to the plain copies." This was originally published with herps and fishes together, bound in two volumes, one of the text, and one of the plates. Colored copies of the reptile, amphibian, and fishes volume are far more scarce than the bird or mammal volumes (for which 300 colored copies were issued), and only 50 copies were produced. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
The Reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago 2 Volumes .
[000165] De Rooij, N.. The Reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago 2 Volumes . E. J. Brill Ltd., Leiden, The Netherlands., 1915. Hard Cover. Vol. I 1915, .Lacertilia, Chelonia, Emydosauria.384pp. with 132 illustrations. Original blue hardbound with spotting and a former owners' bookplate on cover. Former owners' signature. Contents very good.Vol. II.Ophidia, 1917 Ophidia 334pp. with 117 illustrations. Original blue hardbound with some wear. Very small former owners' stamp inside front cover (J. A. Peters). Very good condition. A rare and classic set of volumes. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $ SOLD.
Mission Scientifique- Reptiles
[000205] Dumeril, A. H. A., M. F. Bocourt, and F. Mocquard. Mission Scientifique An Mexique et dans l'Amerique Centrale, ouvrage Publie par ordre du Ministre De l'Instruction Publique. Hard Cover. 1870-1909. . Recherches Zoologiques. Troisieme Partie. 1st Section.Etudes sur les Reptiles. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, France. Complete in two volumes. Volume 1 is the text with xiv, Map, and 1012pp; Volume 2 is of the plates with vi, and 99 plates (21 of which are in color) with plate descriptions. Quarto. Beautifully bound in new half leather morocco with marbled boards, spine with five raised bands and gold tooling, and two black labels with gold lettering. Light, marginal waterstain on upper margin of first three plates. Very good condition. When the French intervened in Mexico, they decided to send to the country a civilizing and scientific mission. M. F. Bocourt, illustrator and taxidermist at the Paris Museum, was the chosen naturalist. Because of dangerous and uncertain times in Mexico, his work was carried out in Guatemala and other parts of Central America. Bocourt remained in Central America until 1867. It was originally intended that this book would be a collaboration between A. Dumeril and Bocourt with Dumeril undertaking the descriptive part, Bocourt the illustrative. But Dumeril died in 1870, shortly after the publication of the first of 17 parts, and Bocourt proceeded as both author and illustrator until the time of his death in 1904. Mocquard was drafted to finish the work with L. Vaillant and F. Angel assisting with the final two parts. Thus, Dumeril and Bocourt are the authors of the first part, Bocourt of parts 2-15, and Mocquard of parts 16-17. The engraved plates are highly detailed and lifelike and rank among the best ever produced (Adler, 1997). All but the last few plates were drawn by Bocourt. The illustrations in the final part are of esser quality (by F. Angel), but this book ranks among the best examples of herpetological illustration. With the large number of species described and illustrated, it also ranks among the most important stematic books in herpetology. It is difficult to believe that this beautiful volume was completed over the 40+ years that elapsed between Bocourt's early collecting to the publication of the final section. This is compounded by the death of Dumeril shortly after the work began, and Bocourt's death prior to its completion. In all ways this is a truly magnificent work. Because the 17 parts were published over this time span, a complete volume is nearly impossible to find. Especially in this condition, it is one of the rarest and most difficult to find of all herpetology books. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD!
Erpetologie Generale Ou Historie Naturelle Complete des Reptiles
[000206] Dumeril, A. M. C., G. Bibron, and A. H. A. Dumeril.. Erpetologie Generale Ou Historie Naturelle Complete des Reptiles. Hard Cover. 1834-1854. . Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret,Paris, France. Nine volumes (in ten). Vol. 1: iv, xxiv, 447pp., 12 plates; Vol. 2; iv, ii, 680pp., two folding tables, 12 plates; Vol. 3: iv, iv, 518 pp., two folding tables, 12 plates; Vol. 4: iv, ii, 572pp., two folding tables, 14 plates; Vol. 5: viii, 855pp., three folding tables, 12 plates in photocopy; Vol. 6: xii, 610pp., two folding tables, 12 plates in photocopy; Vol. 7a: xii, xvi, 780pp., one folding table, 12 plates in photocopy; Vol. 7b: iv, xii, pp. 781-1536, two folding tables, 12 plates in photocopy; Vol. 8: iv, iv, 792pp., five folding tables, 8 plates; Vol. 9: xx, 440pp., one folding table, 16 plates in photocopy; 24pp., portrait from Atlas volume also in photocopy. Very nicely bound in ten volumes in maroon cloth with gold lettering on spine. Pages trimmed, text and plates very clean, virtually free of spotting or foxing normally found in this set or other volumes of this age. Stamp of former owner (Kraig Adler) on end pages of each volume. Erpetology Generale is considered to be the most complete systematic work on reptiles published to date. According to Adler (1989), Constant Dumeril was the greatest taxonomic herpetologist of his ra. Quote Adler
"Dumeril himself was responsible for the grand design and arrangement of genera - the first natural arrangement of genera ever undertaken for amphibians and reptiles - and thus one of the classical monuments of descriptive zoology." "Bibron's responsibility was the description of pecies
.the result of which was "Erpetology Generale ou Histoire Naturalle Complete des Reptiles." Dumeril passed away in 1848, and C. Dumeril's son, Auguste Dumeril, assisted his father in completing the final two volumes. This is an exceedingly rare set of volumes of one of the most important Herpetological publications ever published. Unfortunately, the plates of volumes 5-7, 9 plus the portrait from the Atlas Volume are in photocopy, but another set in this overall condition would be very difficult to find. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
The Poisonous Snakes of India.
[000220] Ewart, J. The Poisonous Snakes of India. J. & A. Churchill, New Burlington Street, London, England., 1878. Hard Cover. 64pp. with 21 color plates. Older hardbound. This copy was apparently one of 100 (of 1000) copies on the subscription list sent to Cape Town, South Africa. It has numerous library stamps from the Library of the University of Cape Town, The South African Medical Association, with "cancelled" stamp. Stamps appear on the reverse of each color plate, probably as a deterrent from theft. These plates are reproduced in a much smaller version from J. Fayrer's "Thantophidia of India." A very rare book in good condition. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
The Poisonous Snakes of India.
[000221] Ewart, J. The Poisonous Snakes of India. J. & A. Churchill, New Burlington Street, London, England., 1878. Hard Cover. 64pp. with 21 color plates, as above. Very nicely hardbound, but much older and very poor repairs to text pages and some plates from insect damage and other problems. A poor copy but much of the text and plates intact and undamaged. As above, a very rare book. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $800.00
The Thanatophidia of India
[000222] Fayrer, J.. The Thanatophidia of India (Being a Description of the Venomous Snakes of the Indian Peninsula with an Account of the Influence of Their Poison on Life and a Series of Experiments).. J. and A. Churchill, London, England, 1874. Hard Cover. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 178pp. with 31 plates. Original red hardbound, gold cover lettering bright, covers mostly clean. Text with very minor foxing here and there, mostly excellent. Plates mostly bright and clean, some with some staining. An extremely rare, oversized volume on the venomous snakes of India and surrounding region in exceptional condition. The color plates were done by staff of the School of Art in Calcutta and are considered to be some of the finest illustrations of snakes published to date. Includes a double-page plate of Ophiophagus hannah. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
The Snakes of South Africa, Their Venom and the Treatment of Snake Bite.
[000680] Fitzsimons, F. W.. The Snakes of South Africa, Their Venom and the Treatment of Snake Bite.. E. H. Walton & Co., Printers, Port Elizabeth, 1910. Hard Cover. 160 pp. Very slight signes of age, no marks or other stamps. The Extreeml;y rare original pictorial hard cover edition. Nice. Rarely seen. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Biologia Centrali-Americana - Reptilia and Batrachia.
[000300] Gunther, A. C. L. G.. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Reptilia and Batrachia. . Nice ! F. DuCane Godman, London, Hard Cover. 1885-1902.. Xx, 326pp., 76 plates (12 in color). Binding, thought to be the original, in dark blue cloth with a red leather label on the spine with gilt lettering. An outstanding copy with very clean and bright pages and plates. In 67 volumes, Biologia Centrali-America is one of the most monumental biological publications of all time. It was actually more nearly a synopsis of the entire biota of Middle America and Mexico. The plates are outstanding, typical of the quality of biological illustration during that period. Although reprinted by the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles in recent years, copies of the original volume are very difficult to find, especially in this condition. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD!
The Reptiles of British India
[000299] Gunther, A. C. L. G.. The Reptiles of British India. The Ray Society, London, 1864. Hard Cover. This volume issued to the Subscribers of the Ray Society for the year 1863. Published for the Ray Society by Robert Hardwicke, 192 Piccadilly, London. 452pp. with 26 plates. Beautifully hardbound in half calf leather with black lizard skin patterned boards. Three raised bands on spine with gold lettering on spine and front board. Original softcovers bound in, with considerable wear. Probably an original owner's stamp and signature. Some waterstaining to top corner of most plates. Lower edge of a few plates with some tearing. Text excellent to near mint. The original of an extremely rare volume. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $1,400.00
North American Herpetology - 1st Edition, Volume 1
[000320] Holbrook, J. E.. North American Herpetology; or, A Description of the Reptiles Inhabiting the United States. Volume 1 of a four volume set.. J. Dobson, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1836. Hard Cover. 120pp with 23 plates. Very nicely hardbound. Very little foxing to text or plates. Beautifully hand-colored plates, nearly mint. Former owner's bookplate and stamp (Kraig Adler). Excellent condition. This is the first of four volumes (First state version of volume 1) of the first printing of Holbrook's classic work on North American herpetology in exceptional condition. Adler's penciled notes on binder's page about some color variations in plates in other volumes. Holbrook was dissatisfied with the first printing of these volumes and most were destroyed. There are fewer than 20 known copies of this Volume 1, 1836. Exceedingly rare. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $4,000.00
North American Herpetology - 1st Edition, 2 Volumes
[000321] Holbrook, J. E.. North American Herpetology; or, A Description of the Reptiles Inhabiting the United States. Volumes 1 and 2 of four volume first printing.. Philadelphia; J. Dobson, 106 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., Hard Cover. 1836-1838. Vol. 1 (1836), i-vii, pp. 9-120 with 23 plates. Vol. 2 (1838), i-iv, pp. 5-127 with 30 plates. Volume 1 with signature of an early owner on front end plate with "Philadelphia", and on title page with "1850." Light to moderate foxing throughout, less to Volume 2, and little to plates. Pages 60 and 114 to Volume 1 with old tape repair; outside margin of page 117/118 repaired with tape. Page 119/120 is reproduced in facsimile. Volume 2 with light dampstain to margin of first 12 pages; mostly light with some moderate foxing throughout. Name of later owner (Charles W. Meyers) appears at top of title page of both volumes. Exquisitely bound copies, in dark green morocco half leather with beautiful marbled boards. Five raised bands on spine with gold lettering. These appear to be uncut copies of these volumes, pages measuring approximately 12x10 inches. New tissue guards inserted with plates during binding. These are the first two volumes of Holbrook's monumental, initial printing of the first Documentation of the reptiles and amphibians inhabiting the United States. Exceedingly Rare, any volume of this four volume set, dated 1836-1840, is nearly impossible to find.The great Philadelphia lithographer, Peter S. Duval, executed the plates, and several of the Plates are what Duval dubbed "lithotints," plates with several tones of printed color which \ Were then finished by hand. The plates are beautifully drawn and colored. Overall, this is A very nice set of the first two volumes of the first printing of this work. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $8,000.00
North American Herpetology - 2nd Edition, 5 Volumes
[000322] Holbrook, J. E.. North American Herpetology, or, A Description of the Reptiles Inhabiting the United States. In five volumes, Complete. Philadelphia; J. Dobson, 106 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., 1842. Hard Cover. Vol. 1, i-xv, pp. 17-152 with 24 plates. A chelonian volume. Vol. 2, i-viii, pp. 9-142 with 20 plates. Vol. 3, ii, pp. 3-128 with 30 plates. Vol. 4, i-vi, pp. 6-138 with 35 plates. Vol. 5, i-vi, pp. 5-118 with 38 plates. An amphibian volume. This set is bound in older half leather (dark green with raised bands on spine, leather corners) and marbled boards. No ownership or other markings. Volumes 2 and 4 mostly clean, volumes 3 and 5 with minor to moderate foxing here and there on text pages. Volume 1 with moderate to heavy foxing to text and to some plates and damage to spine. Other bindings are mostly clean with some minor scuffing here and there. With the exception of volume 1, this is a very nice set. An exceedingly rare, complete set of these volumes, the second printing of Holbrook's monumental work, the first attempt to compile all that was known about the herpetology of the United States. Holbrook states in the preface of volume 1 that descriptions were made in "almost every instance from the living animal, and after a comparison of many individuals." For this publication, he "secured the assistance of so good an artist as Mr.J. Sera, an Italian by birth, but long resident in the United States, who has caught the character and attitude of the animals with singular felicity." For both printings of this work, Holbrook employed the talents of at least 17 artists. Although variable, the quality of the 147 handcolored plates in these five volumes is outstanding. Adler states that during the time these volumes were in print, Holbrook "continued to authorize new and better plates, which were freely substituted over the years
thus, rarely do two copies agree in all particulars." According to Adler, Holbrook is "Justly regarded as the Father of American Herpetology." . Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes.
[000423] Milne-Edwards, A and A Grandidier. Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes. 1875-1897. .Volumes VI, IX, and X, IN: Grandidier, A., ed.; Histoire Physique, Naturelle et Politique de Madagascar. Paris. Imprimerie Nationale. Volume VI, Tome I, Texte This is the only text volume published on the mammals of Madagascar, and this set deals entirely with the lemurs. i-iv with 396pp. Volume IX, Tome IV, Atlas I. This volume contains title pages and plates 1-122. Complete. Volume X., Tome V., Atlas II. Contains title pages, and plates 122A-254D (31 of these apparently are missing Volume X, part 2; Tome VI., Atlas III. This volume contains title pages and plates 255-274. May be some missing plates in this atlas. This is a very nice set of the only volumes pertaining to mammals, entirely on the lemurs, included in Grandidier's exceptional "Histoire Physique, Naturelle et Politique de Madagascar." Volume I is the only text volume published but contains information on only some of the lemur species. The atlas volumes contain extraordinarily beautiful and intricately executed plates of lemurs in habitat and many of the musculature, skeletal, and organ systems of these animals. Plates are mostly on stock paper, thus the weight of this set is over 25 pounds! Text volume has the original cover with uncut pages, some tape on spine. Mostly very clean text. The condition of plates is mostly very clean, some with light foxing and spotting. One has onion paper stuck over it. It is difficult to determine just how complete these atlas volumes are. The set was originally published with some plates acknowledged as unpublished. Some plates are individual but listed as, for example, plate 254A, 254B, etc. All plate atlases contain title pages with loose plates, many with slightly different dimensions. 269 plates present. 1-122, complete. 122a, 122b, 122c, 122d, 122e, 122f, 122g, 122h, 122i, 122j, 122k, 122l, 122m, 122n, 122o, 122p, 122q, 122r, 122s, 122t, 122u, 122v, 122w, 122x, 122y, 122z 129,** 132, *********142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, *, 155, 156,**** 160, ********* 170, *, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232 (B&W), 232 again (color), 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, *, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 254a, 254b, 254c, 254d, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267 (B&W), 267 again (color), 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Synopsis des Familles, Genres et Especes des Reptiles Ecailleau et des Batraciens de Madagascar.
[000435] Mocquard, M. F.. Synopsis des Familles, Genres et Especes des Reptiles Ecailleau et des Batraciens de Madagascar. Nouvelles Archives du Museum, Cinquieme Serie. Paris, France, 1909. Hard Cover. Signed by Author. 110pp. Very nice older hardbound. Excellent condition. Inscribed to "Dr. Alex. G. Ruthven" by Moquard. An extremely rare volume. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
An Essay Towards a Natural History of Serpents.
[000452] Owen, C.. An Essay Towards a Natural History of Serpents. Privately published, London, 1742. Hard Cover. xiv with 240pp and seven plates. Very nicely hardbound in three-quarter leather with marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gold lettering. This is a classic summary of what was known of snake natural history in the mid-18th century. The book is composed of three parts, the first two covering biology and behavior. The final part consists of six essays on the role of serpents in the Bible, and snake worship. Owen believed that snakes were "good" animals, should not be the object of fear and hatred, and were of use to Mankind. Title page with minor repair, light water-stain on first 24 pages. Overall a good copy of this important and interesting volume. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $1,500.00
An Account of Indian Serpents
[000513] Russell, P.. An Account of Indian Serpents (Collected on the Coast of Coromandel; Containing Descriptions and Drawings of Each Species; Together with Experiments and Remarks on Their Several Poisons). Nice ! W. Bielmer and Co. Shakspeare-Press; For George Nicol, Bookseller to His Majesty, Pall-Mall, London, England, 1796. Hard Cover. 91pp. with plates I-XLVI. Bound in older half-calf leather with beautiful marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands, dark red title strip with gold lettering, and colorful gold designs. A very fancy binding. Exceptional condition. Title page with a few small marks, otherwise excellent and clean, not like most copies that spent a long period of time in India.. A very Nice copy. This is an exceedingly rare volume in near pristine condition. It appears as if the owner had placed it in a protected situation and portions appear never to have been opened after binding. Text and plates bright and clean. This and a later companion volume of plates (1801-1809?) are the largest (by dimensions) of any volume exclusively devoted to a herpetological subject. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Histoire Naturelle des Reptiles
[000563] Sonnini, C. S., and P. A. Latreille. Histoire Naturelle des Reptiles, aves figures dessinees d'apres nature. Deterville, Paris. In four volumes, Complete. 1802. Hard Cover. Volume 1, (4), xxii, 280pp; Volume 2, (4), 332pp; Volume 3, (4), 335pp; Volume 4, (4), 410pp.Contemporary binding with gilt lettering and tooling on spines; 54 hand-colored plates. A fine copy. In 1801, Latreille co-authored the four volume "Histoire Naturelle des Reptiles" with C. S. Sonnini, part of the so-called Deterville edition of George Buffon's encyclopedia.This work, which covers the herpetofauna worldwide, was almost entirely written by Latreille. The importance of this work justified a later edition in 1826. This is a very rare set of volumes not often found in this condition with bright and clean pages and plates. The small dimensions of these volumes make them especially interesting. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
Tortoises, Terrapins, and Turtles, Drawn From Life.
[000564] Sowerby, J. D. C., and E. Lear. Tortoises, Terrapins, and Turtles, Drawn From Life. Henry Sotheran, Joseph Baer & Co., London, 1872. Hard Cover. Printed by Taylor and Francis, London. Introduction (16pp) by John E. Gray, plus 60 black and white plates. Original burgundy hardbound, gold lettering with designs on top and bottom of spine (somewhat faded); embossed design on front and back covers. Some scuffing and minor stains to covers. Some wrinkling to spine with very light spotting to lower third of the spine. Very little foxing to text, plates very clean and bright. Excellent condition. Overall an excellent copy of the extremely rare original. It is thought by many to contain the the finest illustrations of turtles and tortoises every published. Sowerby's artwork is extremely lifelike, and some of the animals appear as if they could walk off the page. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $5,500.00
Descriptive Catalogue of the Reptiles of British India.
[000608] Theobald, W.. Descriptive Catalogue of the Reptiles of British India. Thacker, Spinkard Co., Calcutta, India, 1876. Hard Cover. 238pp plus 38 page "Synopsis of the Families, Genera, and Species of Indian Chelonia, Sauria, and Ophidia," and a 13 page Appendix "On the Means of Discriminating Between Poisonous and Harmless Snakes and Treatment of Snake Bite." Nicely hardbound. This copy was originally owned by John Cockburn, Indian Museum, Calcutta, who received an acknowledgment by Theobald. Cockburns' signature is written in two places (he apparently went from Calcutta to Singapore), and his meticulous notes and observations are recorded throughout the volume. A very rare book. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. SOLD
The Poisonous Terrestrial Snakes of our British Indian Dominions (Including Ceylon and How to Recognize Them. With Symptoms of Snake Poisoning and Treatment
[000639] Wall, F.. The Poisonous Terrestrial Snakes of our British Indian Dominions (Including Ceylon and How to Recognize Them. With Symptoms of Snake Poisoning and Treatment. Bombay Natural History Society.. 1917. Hard Cover. Third Edition. 149 pp. plus index. Original hardbound. Covers and some text with "worm-holes," otherwise in fair-good condition. A scarce volume. Library of Bern Tryon - All proceeds from the sale of this item goes to the Turtle Survival Alliance for the long term preservation of the Bog Turtle. $300.00
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Frank & Kate Slavens
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Frank Slavens